Tag Archives: The Godfather Part II

Top Ten Robert De Niro Roles

15 Aug

Robert De Niro is the most compelling actor of his generation.  His career has now spanned parts of six decades, and few other actors in history have been more prolific over the course of their careers.

A young Vito (played by Robert De Niro) kills ...

A young Vito (played by Robert De Niro) kills Don Fanucci (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Almost everyone who loves movies has a favorite De Niro film.  My list includes not only several of his leading roles, but also a couple of less famous offerings as well.

I’m interested to know which of his films you’ve enjoyed most over the years, and which ones you didn’t particularly care for.

1)  Raging Bull – Jake LaMotta

2)  Taxi Driver – Travis Bickle

3)  The King of Comedy – Rupert Pupkin

4)  Godfather Part 2 – Young Vito Corleone

5)  Brazil – Harry Tuttle

6)  The Deer Hunter – Michael

7)  The Untouchables – Al Capone

8)  Awakenings – Leonard Low

9)  Midnight Run – Jack Walsh

10) Ronin – Sam

If you haven’t seen  “Th King of Comedy” yet,  you’re missing one of his more enjoyable performances in an underrated film.  “Ronin, also starring French actor Jean Reno, is also well worth another look, even if you’ve seen it before.