Tag Archives: Classic Horror

Top Ten Movies Set in the American Southwest

15 Jun

I’ll be using a fairly broad interpretation of  “southwest,” including Oklahoma and any other damned place I choose.  The movie doesn’t have to take place entirely in the southwest, but at least some of its key moments should.

No Country for Old Men (film)

No Country for Old Men (film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1)  No Country For Old Men

2)  Psycho (You may not remember, but the beginning of the film is set in Phoenix.)

3)  Paris, Texas

4)  Tombstone

5)  Near Dark (Underrated horror classic set in Oklahoma.)

6)  Let Me In (Underrated horror classic set in New Mexico.)

7)  Raising Arizona

8)  Fort Apache

9)  Them!  (Also takes place partly in L.A.)

10) Tremors