Tag Archives: Bill Dahlen

Top Ten 19th-Century Baseball Players

5 Aug

No one who ever saw any of these guys play is still alive today to tell us about it.  Yet baseball statisticians have gleaned enough information from the raw stats available from that distant past to be able to draw some reasonable conclusions regarding the relative value of these 19th-century players.  Primarily using WAR, though also drawing from other published accounts I’ve read over the years, here’s my top ten list of the best  players of baseball’s first half-century.

Curry Foley was the first player in Major Leag...

Curry Foley was the first player in Major League Baseball history to hit for the cycle. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1)  Cap Anson

2)  George Davis

3)  Roger Connor

4)  Dan Brouthers

5)  Bill Dahlen

6)  Jesse Burkett

7)  Ed Delahanty

8)  Billy Hamilton

9)  Jake Beckley

10) Willie Keeler

Honorable mention to Sam Thompson, Buck Ewing, King Kelly, Jack Glasscock, Cupid Childs, George Van Haltren (the Andy Van Slyke of his era), and Jim O’Rourke.