Tag Archives: 28 Weeks Later

Top Ten Zombie Films

25 Jun

I went to see “World War Z” this past weekend.  Having read the book, I can safely say that if you haven’t read the book, it really doesn’t matter because the movie has virtually nothing to do with Max Brooks fine fictional account of the Zombie War.  While the film was generally entertaining in a summer blockbuster sort of way, it breaks no new ground in the zombie movie genre.  I suppose if someone hasn’t seen very many zombie films, this one could make their top ten list by default, but it won’t make mine.

Zombies as portrayed in the movie Night of the...

Zombies as portrayed in the movie Night of the Living Dead (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Here, then, are my top ten all-time zombie movies:

1)  Dawn of the Dead (1979)

2)  Night of the Living Dead (1968)

3)  28 Days Later

4)  Evil Dead

5)  Shaun of the Dead

6)  Zombieland

7)  Return of the Living Dead

8)  Fido

9)  28 Weeks Later

10) The Dead